Presentation Tips

How Presentations Can Help in the Face of Economic Uncertainty

Jordan Turner
March 24, 2023
 min read
How Presentations Can Help in the Face of Economic UncertaintyHow Presentations Can Help in the Face of Economic Uncertainty
Table of Contents

It’s no secret that the economy is on shaky ground. As big tech companies continue with widespread layoffs, smaller startups are trying to figure out how to stay afloat. The economic uncertainty has an impact on every business, whether it’s directly or indirectly. While there’s not much that can be done to control the economy, businesses can shift their plans to ensure they’re running their day-to-day operations in the most efficient and effective way possible. 

Believe it or not, presentations can be a huge asset in light of financial concern. From pitch decks to board meetings, a professional presentation can help unlock better communication, collaborative ideas, and even new resources. Here are 6 ways a presentation can help in the face of economic uncertainty. 

Creating sales pitches to gain new business

In an unstable economy, sales teams are working tirelessly to try to close more deals. With many companies scaling back on budgets, account managers may have to jump through more hoops to win new business. Having a buttoned-up pitch deck can help take sales strategies from ideation to the finish line, resulting in more conversions. 

A sales proposal presentation is used to demonstrate how your business, brand, service or product will positively influence a buyer, partner company, or investor. For a sales proposal to be successful it must include a straightforward message, be visually impactful, and show specific stats or data that reference your company’s strengths. A customizable sales pitch template can help you tailor each deck to respective clients.

Organizing budget proposals to request additional resources

It may be more of a hurdle to get budget approvals in the midst of an economic downturn. When asking executives for additional resources, or more budget for your department, you should be prepared to explain exactly why you’re making the ask, what you plan to do with it, and how it will benefit the business as a whole.

When you need to make your case to managers or executives for additional resources, a budget proposal presentation is an essential tool. A presentation can help you organize your thoughts in a more concise, to-the-point way, so you have a better chance of persuading your decision maker. The template is fully customizable so you can make it your own and feel confident going into a budget proposal meeting.

Preparing for more effective and fruitful board meetings

Regardless of the economic environment, board meetings are important for teams to stay on track. Board meetings generally take place every quarter, and create a space where companies can update the board of directors on the business wins and missed opportunities, share a trajectory for growth, and open the room up for conversation about the business. As companies navigate the economy, they can lean on their board for ideas, direction, and feedback. Like any board meeting, you should be prepared with a well-polished presentation to share. The better you can position yourself to the board, the more likely they are to help you through any financial hardships. 

Our board meeting presentation template will help you host a productive, efficient board meeting that reflects on company progress, refines goals, and celebrates company wins.

Coming together for company all hands meetings to discuss the health of the business 

A company all hands meeting is a great way to guarantee employees are in the know about the health of the business, current business plans, and departmental projects. It ensures each team is on the same page so that they can work towards the same common goal. Hosting town hall (or all-hands) meetings more frequently can help put employee concerns at ease about how the economy is impacting the business. In economic uncertainty, a company with a strong vision and business plan across each team is more likely to thrive than a company with a disconnect. 

An all hands meeting presentation template allows separate teams and employees to connect to one another in an organized way, building a sense of community and boosting morale. 

Landing new opportunities with a strong digital resume

Worst case scenario: you get laid off. The important thing to remember is that you’re not alone, and as the economy pivots, lay-offs become more common. If you find yourself in the market for a new job, having a digital resume can help you network with new potential employers. A digital resume presentation is also a great way to grab the attention of an interviewer, and act as a leave behind during the hiring process. 

On average employers look at resumes for six to seven seconds, so it’s vital to grab their attention as quickly as possible.’s digital resume presentation template helps you level up your resume, and hopefully land a new gig.

Perfecting an investor pitch deck to secure funding

Of course, at the end of the day, every great company needs funding to keep the lights on. When the economy is at a low, it might be more difficult to secure funds from outside partners and investors. A pitch deck is an essential fundraising tool, whether you’re looking to raise $100,000 or $100,000,000. Every startup needs a great pitch deck that talks about their mission, business plan, and company overview.

This customizable pitch deck presentation template ensures your deck is professional so you can stand out against the competition and land the funding you need to keep your business open. 

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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