Case studies that will inspire you to work beautiful.
Explore real work-flows that save companies time, eliminate old tools, and advance collaboration. Learn how you can scale the presentation process for your company.

A Hospitality Technology Start Up Uses to Unify its Messaging
As a fast growing company, it was important for Mews to create presentations quickly and efficiently without compromising the quality, all while preserving the company’s voice and message.

A Small Business Grows With the Help of High-Quality Marketing Materials’s cloud-based platform enabled LilyBee to create impactful presentations in tandem with other team members in a fraction of the time: “Being able to collaborate and edit the deck from anywhere is a big deal"

A Wine Investment Company Uses To Tell Their Story
Presentations from the Cult Wines team must fit every customer’s need while telling an instant and complete story. That’s where comes in. helps us quickly create clear and compelling presentations to share our strategy and results. It has been easy to integrate our branding and to pull from the library of materials created by others — building a cohesive and collaborative suite that helps us advance our mission. increased our efficiency. I mean, 50% sounds crazy, but it's pretty accurate when you consider all of the manual stuff that we used to have to do that now does for us.
What you guys have created is a foolproof way to ensure quality presentations.
It's almost just like they have a graphic designer over their shoulder while they're creating their decks.
Every success we’ve had is tied to because once I created a presentation in the platform, I never looked back.